salut a tous!
j'ai repondu a un autre post la derneire fois precisant que moi aussi mon site n'etait pas visible sur recherche: france, et il m'a ete permis de comprendre que google faisait une geolocalisation par IP.
ayant pris mon courage a 2 mains (oui bon...) j'ai ecris a google ( et la reponse est tombee dans les 24h, je vois la livre telle quelle :
Thank you for your note. In the domain 'Pages: France,' Google includes
all sites currently hosted within the country of France. If your site is
hosted in Grenoble, France, then it should be included in this category.
If your site does not appear in this domain, please visit to report the error. Use the
comments area on this form to list the IP address of your website and to
clarify the hosting location of your site. If we are able to correct the
problem on our end, we will do so as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this process may cause you. If you
require further assistance, please let us know.
The Google Team
voila, donc si vous avez un soucis a ce sujet, faites leurs savoir!
j'ai repondu a un autre post la derneire fois precisant que moi aussi mon site n'etait pas visible sur recherche: france, et il m'a ete permis de comprendre que google faisait une geolocalisation par IP.
ayant pris mon courage a 2 mains (oui bon...) j'ai ecris a google ( et la reponse est tombee dans les 24h, je vois la livre telle quelle :
Thank you for your note. In the domain 'Pages: France,' Google includes
all sites currently hosted within the country of France. If your site is
hosted in Grenoble, France, then it should be included in this category.
If your site does not appear in this domain, please visit to report the error. Use the
comments area on this form to list the IP address of your website and to
clarify the hosting location of your site. If we are able to correct the
problem on our end, we will do so as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this process may cause you. If you
require further assistance, please let us know.
The Google Team
voila, donc si vous avez un soucis a ce sujet, faites leurs savoir!