Comment eviter le duplicate content ! apres l'url rewriting

Nouveau WRInaute

j'ai fait l'url rewrting pour mon site, mais apres j'ai remarque que les ancienne liens et même le nouveaux (pages creés apres l'url rewriting ) sont disponible sur en deux forme

par ex :

non rewrité :
rewrité :

j'ai fait une recherche et j'ai trouvé
mais j'ai testé des modification sur singlevideo.php et dans le template du fichier mais sans succes

est que vous pouvez m'aidez !!!

Merci :D :D
Nouveau WRInaute
merci bcp forty mais dans mon cas ou je vais poster le code?? dans singlevideo.php !!!
Nouveau WRInaute
voila le contenue du ficher


* medias - a multicategory video management module


* Based upon WF-Links


* File: singlevideo.php


* @copyright The XOOPS Project

* @copyright XOOPS_copyrights.txt

* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project

* @license GNU General Public License (GPL)

* a copy of the GNU license is enclosed.

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* @package WF-Links

* @since 1.03

* @author John N

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* medias

* @since 1.00

* @author McDonald

* @version $Id$


include 'header.php';

$lid = xtube_cleanRequestVars( $_REQUEST, 'lid', 0 );

$cid = xtube_cleanRequestVars( $_REQUEST, 'cid', 0 );

$lid = intval( $lid );

$cid = intval( $cid );

$sql2 = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'xoopstube_videos' ) . ' a LEFT JOIN '

. $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'xoopstube_altcat' ) . ' b'

. ' ON b.lid = a.lid'

. ' WHERE a.published > 0 AND a.published <= ' . time()

. ' AND (a.expired = 0 OR a.expired > ' . time() . ') AND a.offline = 0'

. ' AND (b.cid=a.cid OR (a.cid=' . intval($cid) . ' OR b.cid=' . intval($cid) . '))';

list( $count ) = $xoopsDB -> fetchRow( $xoopsDB -> query( $sql2 ) );

if ( false == xtube_checkgroups( $cid ) && $count == 0 ) {

redirect_header( 'index.php', 1, _MD_XTUBE_MUSTREGFIRST );



$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'xoopstube_videos' ) . ' WHERE lid=' . intval($lid) . '

AND (published > 0 AND published <= ' . time() . ')

AND (expired = 0 OR expired > ' . time() . ')

AND offline = 0

AND cid > 0';

$result = $xoopsDB -> query( $sql );

$video_arr = $xoopsDB -> fetchArray( $result );

if ( !is_array( $video_arr ) ) {

redirect_header( 'index.php', 1, _MD_XTUBE_NOVIDEOLOAD );



$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'xoopstube_singlevideo.html';

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';

// tags support

if (xtube_tag_module_included()) {

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/tag/include/tagbar.php';

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'tagbar', tagBar( $video_arr['lid'], 0 ) );


$video['imageheader'] = xtube_imageheader();

$video['id'] = $video_arr['lid'];

$video['cid'] = $video_arr['cid'];

$video['vidid'] = $video_arr['vidid'];

$video['description2'] = $xtubemyts -> displayTarea( $video_arr['description'], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 );

$mytree = new XoopsTree( $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'xoopstube_cat' ), 'cid', 'pid' );

$pathstring = '<a href="index.php">' . _MD_XTUBE_MAIN . '</a>&nbsp;:&nbsp;';

$pathstring .= $mytree -> getNicePathFromId( $cid, 'title', 'viewcat.php?op=' );

$video['path'] = $pathstring;

// Get video from source

$video['showvideo'] = xtube_showvideo( $video_arr['vidid'], $video_arr['vidsource'], $video_arr['screenshot'], $video_arr['picurl'] );

// Get Social Bookmarks

$video['sbmarks'] = xtube_sbmarks( $video_arr['lid'] );

// Start of meta tags

global $xoopsTpl, $xoTheme, $xoopsModuleConfig;

$maxWords = 100;

$words = array();

$words = explode( ' ', xtube_html2text( $video_arr['description'] ) );

$newWords = array();

$i = 0;

while ( $i < $maxWords-1 && $i < count( $words ) ) {

if ( isset( $words[$i] ) ) {

$newWords[] = trim( $words[$i] );




$video_meta_description = implode(' ', $newWords);

if ( is_object( $xoTheme ) ) {

if ( $video_arr['keywords'] ) {

$xoTheme -> addMeta( 'meta', 'keywords', $video_arr['keywords'] );


$xoTheme -> addMeta( 'meta', 'title', $video_arr['title'] );

if ( $xoopsModuleConfig['usemetadescr'] == 1 ) {

$xoTheme -> addMeta( 'meta', 'description', $video_meta_description );


} else {

if ( $video_arr['keywords'] ) {

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'xoops_meta_keywords', $video_arr['keywords'] );


if ( $xoopsModuleConfig['usemetadescr'] == 1 ) {

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'xoops_meta_description', $video_meta_description );



$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'xoops_pagetitle', $video_arr['title'] );

// End of meta tags

$moderate = 0;

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule -> getvar( 'dirname' ) . '/include/videoloadinfo.php';

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'show_screenshot', false );

if ( isset( $xoopsModuleConfig['screenshot'] ) && $xoopsModuleConfig['screenshot'] == 1 ) {

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'shotwidth', $xoopsModuleConfig['shotwidth'] );

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'shotheight', $xoopsModuleConfig['shotheight'] );

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'show_screenshot', true );


if ( $video['isadmin'] == false ) {

$count = xtube_updateCounter( $lid );


// Show other author videos

$sql = 'SELECT lid, cid, title, published FROM ' . $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'xoopstube_videos' ) . '

WHERE submitter=' . $video_arr['submitter'] . '

AND lid <> ' . $video_arr['lid'] . '

AND published > 0 AND published <= ' . time() . ' AND (expired = 0 OR expired > ' . time() . ')

AND offline = 0 ORDER by published DESC';

$result = $xoopsDB -> query( $sql, 10, 0 );

while ( $arr = $xoopsDB -> fetchArray( $result ) ) {

$videouid['title'] = $xtubemyts -> htmlSpecialCharsStrip( $arr['title'] );

$videouid['lid'] = $arr['lid'];

$videouid['cid'] = $arr['cid'];

$videouid['published'] = medias_time( formatTimestamp( $arr['published'], $xoopsModuleConfig['dateformat'] ) );

$xoopsTpl -> append( 'video_uid', $videouid );


// Copyright notice

if ( isset( $xoopsModuleConfig['copyright'] ) && $xoopsModuleConfig['copyright'] == 1 ) {

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'lang_copyright', '' . $video['publisher'] . ' &#0169; ' . _MD_XTUBE_COPYRIGHT . ' ' . formatTimestamp( time(), 'Y' ) . ' - ' . XOOPS_URL );


// Show other videos by submitter

if ( isset( $xoopsModuleConfig['othervideos'] ) && $xoopsModuleConfig['othervideos'] == 1 ) {

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'other_videos', '<b>' ._MD_XTUBE_OTHERBYUID . '</b>' . $video['submitter'] . '<br />' );

} else {

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'other_videos', '<b>' ._MD_XTUBE_NOOTHERBYUID . '</b>' . $video['submitter'] . '<br />' );


$video['showsbookmarx'] = $xoopsModuleConfig['showsbookmarks'];

$video['othervideox'] = $xoopsModuleConfig['othervideos'];

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'video', $video );

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'back' , '<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><img src="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule -> getvar( 'dirname' ) . '/images/icon/back.png" /></a>' ); // Displays Back button

$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'module_dir', $xoopsModule -> getVar( 'dirname' ) );

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/comment_view.php';

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';


stp quelles sont les modification necessaire dans mon cas !!

j'utilise une fonction = make_url pour nettoyer les urls...

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